Generating Documentation with Sphynx

Coming from the enterprise Java world, I'm used to pretty standardized ways of documenting code that is mostly handled by my IDE. Python seemed to offer more choices which can be good, but it felt a little overwhelming as well.


Sphynx is a documentation generator written for and in Python. A lot of big python projects (Django, SciPy, Python itself). While used heavily by the Python community, it is not restricted to just Python. There are extensions that support many other languages including java, javascript, and many more.

It uses reStructuredText at its core for specifying documentation but there are many formats that sphinx understands

Sphinx is not nearly as automated as I hoped it would be. It is versatile though. Various sphinx extensions can be used to inspect your source code and generate .rst files from your code. Sphinx can then use these .rst files and some configuration files to transform them into different formats like html or epub.


Using pip: pip install sphinx

You should be able to install it with most Linux distro package managers, look for "sphinx" or "python-sphinx": dnf install python-sphinx

Quick Start with sphinx-apidoc

This handy tool will let you initialize your project for sphinx and generate .rst files from your source code in a single command:

sphinx-apidoc . --full -o docs -H 'MyProjectName' -A 'My Name' -V '0.1'

When you need to to regenerate documentation:

sphinx-apidoc . --force -o docs

This generates the .rst files from your python code and outputs them to ./docs/ (or wherever you specified with -o). It also generates various index rst files which sphinx uses to tie together your documentation when converting them for output.

It also created a Makefile which lets you build a variety of formats, for example:

make html

And now you have a decent looking website for your documentation...assuming it worked the first time...

Troubleshooting Errors

Sphinx Configurations

sphinx-apidoc --separate

Generate a separate page for each module in your project.

autodoc_member_order = 'bysource'

By default autodoc sorts everything alphabetically. I'm not a fan, I think I'm pretty good at ordering my code while writing it. Add this anywhere in your to keep source ordering.

Additional Resources

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